
Welcome to Transforming Spirit Ministries
Transforming Spirit Ministries is a charitable foundation (USA registered 501(c)(3)) engaged in projects that aim to transform individuals, churches, and communities around the world. Our goal is to transform lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. We share critical needs within the Body of Christ to allow believers around the world an opportunity to meet practical needs in tangible ways. Through gospel campaigns and conferences, we teach and train those called to ministry from the United States to Europe, Africa, and Asia.
"He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do." -Hebrews 6:10
Our Leadership Team
Our Leadership Team consists of people who take seriously the role of "servant-leader." Each one has forsaken secular profession and personal ambition to serve God by serving others.
The Reverend and Apostle "Bernie" Dorsey is the Founder and Executive Director of Transforming Spirit Ministries, Inc. He is also a ministry facilitator for a worldwide weekly online Bible study fellowship found at: www.touroftruth.com. His life and ministry reveal an apostolic and evangelistic destiny.
After graduating from Duke University (A.B., History 1994), he moved to Washington, DC to receive his legal education at The George Washington University Law School. He earned his Juris Doctor degree in 1997 and then embarked on a legal career. After clerking for a federal appellate court Judge, he entered private practice where he specialized in real estate, business formation and transactions, and civil litigation matters. Then, like many of the apostles and prophets of old, one day while at work he heard God’s call to ministry as the Spirit spoke to him from Romans 10:14-15. While trying to discern the nature of his calling, he received seminary instruction as a Master of Divinity student at Washington Baptist Theological Seminary and additional coursework as a Dean’s Scholar at Wesley Theological Seminary. Ultimately, he abandoned the practice of law after nearly 15 years to serve full-time in ministry. He was licensed by Mount Zion Baptist Church in Washington, DC in 2009 and ordained and set apart for the work of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 2012.
After much prayer and a prophetic word from a Messianic Jewish prophetess, Rev. Dorsey planted Transforming Spirit Church, a non-denominational church in Silver Spring, Maryland where he assumed Apostolic office and began his first pastorate in 2014. Transforming Spirit developed a culture of worship, prophetic utterance, and equipping. As Apostle Dorsey says: “In the atmosphere of worship, miracles happen! And we as leaders need to equip and train other disciples to find their own destinies and go beyond church walls to serve God by serving others.”
In December 2018, Apostle Bernie began plans to transplant Transforming Spirit to the nation’s capital in the form of a fellowship with the Historic St. Paul AUMP Church in Washington, DC. He was appointed as Pastor of HSP in July, 2020 and served in that capacity until October 2022.
Bernie has a heart for the nations. He has conducted more than twenty separate missions to Africa. On his nearly one dozen missions to Uganda, East Africa, he has labored alongside Ugandan Bishop Joel Kakembo to hold numerous evangelistic outreach events under the series name “Kingdom Harvest and Pentecostal Fire Crusade.” At these open-air gatherings, thousands of people have come to salvation in Jesus Christ and instant miracles of deliverance and healing occur, including the disappearance of tumors, reversal of heart conditions, as well as the lame walking, limbs regaining function, and even the blind receiving sight. Apostle Bernie often remarks: “Jesus really is still alive doing what He did while on earth: saving, delivering, and healing!” Apostle Bernie’s work in Uganda has also resulted in helping Bishop Kakembo plant three churches and an accredited school (Christ’s Ambassadors Foundation School).
Rev. Dorsey’s apostolic work in East Africa also includes Kenya. In Kenya, Bernie has apostolic oversight of four Transforming Spirit Churches. In 2024, Apostle Bernie returned to Kenya to oversee the consecration of his Kenya partner, Patrick Owuor, as Bishop of the Transforming Spirit Church Glorious Vision and three branch assemblies. In addition, Apostle Bernie annually organizes and leads an international team of leaders to travel to Kisumu, Kenya to conduct “The Rock Conference and Gospel Campaign". At the conference, he helps train, equip, and activate nearly two hundred African ministers. Simultaneously, he serves as the keynote preacher for evening evangelism gatherings. During the evening services, scores of people come to salvation in Jesus Christ and others are delivered, healed, and baptized in and filled with the Holy Spirit. Bernie is in the nascent stages of launching Transforming Spirit School of Ministry, an international school of ministry to equip and train others across the East African nations of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Burundi.
Bernie has also recently expanded the international ministry to southern Africa, to include Malawi and Mozambique. On his inaugural visit there in 2024, he traveled to several churches to begin the process of expanding TSM's apostolic covering of twenty churches in Malawi and four more in Mozambique.
Apostle Dorsey's Africa ministry also extends to the west African nation of Liberia. There, he has served as a keynote conference speaker to train and equip more than 1,000 members of the Baptist Soul Winning Conference of Liberia. He has also been instrumental in launching a medical clinic in an impoverished region in central Libera.
In Asia, Bernie has contributed since 2014 in India, where he has partnered with and supported the work of Pastor Timothy Bontha. They have worked to feed the poor, as well as support outreach to those in tribal regions of Southeastern India who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Apostle Bernie is an unabashed and avid supporter of Israel and the Jewish people. He has authored an opinion piece on the rise of anti-semitism and the need for people of faith to stand against this disturbing trend. https://afro.com/afro-exclusive-op-ed-d-c-area-pastors-on-rise-of-antisemitism%EF%BF%BC/
Bernie is deeply committed to his wife of twenty-four years, the former Ericka Guthrie, a civil rights attorney in Washington, DC. They are the parents of two sons: Nelson III, a student at Bowdoin College; and Houston, a student at St. Albans School in Washington, DC.

Rev. Jed Robyn
Director - West Africa, Europe, and Israel
Reverend James Edward "Jed" Robyn is a Board Member at Transforming Spirit Ministries, Inc., where he also serves as the Director of West African, European, and Israeli affairs.​
Jed is the founder of Pilgrim Way Ministries which aims to equip individuals, congregations, ministries, and communities to return to the ancient paths of the early church. He is also a ministry facilitator for a weekly online Bible study fellowship found at: www.touroftruth.com.
Jed has been a disciple of Jesus the Messiah for over 30 years. He has been a husband for close to 25 years and is the father of two amazing grown children and one grandson.
Jed's deep passion is to help believers find their life, joy, and purpose in God and take their place in the Body of Christ. Jed is called to help disciples grow in their understanding of the Gospel of the Kingdom, the prophetic importance of the restoration of Israel, and God's heart for reconciliation, unity, and oneness as He calls forth a remnant of faithful believers from every tribe and tongue.
​Jed has a B.A. in Psychology, an M.Ed in Student Affairs, and is an ordained minister. He has a professional background in student development, and in addition to serving in various roles in the marketplace, he has served as a preacher and prayer leader both in the US and internationally in Canada, the UK, Israel, and locations in Africa and Asia. Jed has partnered with Rev. Bernie Dorsey on several missions to Africa where Jed has exercised his prophetic and teaching gifts to strengthen churches in Kenya and Liberia.
Jed, along with his wife Nicole, created "The Pilgrim Way Podcast," dedicated to exploring critical topics that help equip believers to follow Jesus in the Last Days. In the first season, they focus on understanding the prophetic significance of the restoration of Israel and how it relates to end-times realities.
Jed also recently authored and published his first book, "With His Whole Heart & Soul." It is a prophetic journey through the Robyn's personal story and the Scriptures to discover what God is doing in the earth. It focuses on the prophetic significance of the restoration of Israel, God's heart for the Jewish people, and how God involves the Church in His end times plans and purposes.
Bishop Patrick Owuor
Director - East Africa
Reverend Patrick Owuor is the Kenyan ministry leader the Holy Spirit has appointed to be Director of East Africa for Transforming Spirit Ministries, Inc. In 2024, he was consecrated as Bishop of Transforming Spirit Church Glorious Vision in Kisumu, Kenya. He oversees the main headquarters church in Kasule City, Kisumu, and three branch assemblies. He previously served as the Pioneering Pastor and Overseer of The Apostolic Church Glorious Vision in Kisumu, Kenya. Born in Siaya County, Kenya in 1972, he was born again in 1994. His call to ministry was as an evangelist in 1999. He was ordained to pastoral service in 2014.
Bishop Patrick has served diligently in the Kisumu, Kenya area in different roles of servant leadership. He held the position of Secretary General for Kisumu Clergy Fellowship from 2014-16. This body brings together more than 130 churches in Kisumu. He is currently the Patron for Manyatta Clergy, a wing of Kisumu Clergy Fellowship.
In 2017, on a trip to the United States, then-Pastor Patrick met Apostle Bernie Dorsey in Washington, DC. This divine appointment prompted Apostle Dorsey to invite Patrick to his church. There, the anointing upon Pastor Patrick’s life was confirmed to Apostle Dorsey and it began a friendship and brotherly connection in Christ.
Patrick and Bernie re-connected in 2020 during the early, devastating stages of the worldwide pandemic. This difficult time led to weekly audio and video calls from the United States to Kenya to encourage Pastor Patrick and a few other ministers. From there, the Holy Spirit led the group to form weekly Bible study and training sessions. From these times together, the Holy Spirit then conceived the vision for a ministry training school in Kenya to equip and train those called to ministry.
Bishop Patrick serves faithfully alongside his wife, Deaconess Benter Atieno. A devoted Woman of God, Deaconess Benter upholds and supports her husband with prayer, patience, and love. Bishop and Deaconess Owuor are the grateful parents of one daughter, Phoebe Achieng, a university student pursuing a degree in nursing.

Pastor Joel Isaac Kakembo
Assistant Director - East Africa
Pastor Joel Isaac Kakembo is the Assistant Director of East Africa. He is an anointed worshipper, preacher, and teacher. He is commonly known as “Joel Jr” as the first son of Bishop Joel Ntambi Kakembo from Gayaza, Uganda. He earned a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from Makerere University in Uganda.
Pastor Joel Jr accepted Christ Jesus at the age of 15 and then answered the call to Pastoral ministry at the age of 20. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Mount Zion City Church in Kasangati, Uganda. City Church is a branch of Mount Zion Antioch Church in Gayaza, which was founded and is led by his parents, Bishop Joel and Pastor Lydia Kakembo.
In addition to serving as Lead Pastor at Mt Zion City Church, Pastor Joel has years of experience leading worship during weekly church meetings and at large crusade gatherings. Notably, he has led worship for “Crossover Night”—an annual New Year’s Eve meeting sponsored by Bishop Joel Kakembo and Apostle Bernie Dorsey, where thousands come to hear the Word of God and be anointed with oil at the turn of the New Year in Uganda. As Pastor Joel sets the atmosphere of worship on Crossover Night, thousands have come to salvation in Jesus Christ and countless miracles of deliverance and healing have occurred.
Pastor Joel has accompanied Apostle Dorsey on several missions in Africa, most notably in Kenya and in Malawi. He ministers in worship and intercession as lives are transformed.
Pastor Joel Jr is newly married to his wife, Vanessa Kakembo. Mrs. Kakembo serves alongside her husband as a gifted worshiper.